Right up for the first review is the Neo-Soviet line from
Brigade Models. This is an overarching review before I get onto the models
which I have, however I think it is important for the line as a whole to be talked
Now I was initially looking for vehicles and infantry to
fill out an Imperial Guard section of my Horus Heresy era Thousand Sons force.
This is the one area where really anything goes in terms of substitute miniatures
but I was looking for something which was still a bit standard and love the
look of the solid Neo-Soviets.
So let’s try and stick with my own guidelines and go through
the scoring areas:
Here I have to put something on the table – I think skulls, arches
and general gothicyness are nice. So this makes atmosphere tricky to judge when
you have the lashings on offer from Games Workshop or Privateer Press. However I
feel that this line, and the whole Iron Cow influenced set of lines, do have a
good clean modern sci-fi feel to them. They look like something that has evolved
from the 21st century naturally and that works well in my mind.
But I do like skulls…
These are solid sculpts in this line, with a very current
feel yet enough of a future vibe to make sure they do not feel like they are
out of place with the other more sci-fi hover vehicles of the Brigade Models stable.
They are 6mm models so do not really need to be over sculpted anyway, but I do
feel that I would like to see a little bit more in terms of baggage and
detailing around the rockets/missiles.
Currently there are 21 models in the line, covering small,
medium and large tanks, artillery, anti-air and transports with a few extra
vehicles and two boats. These tend to have a feel of heavy vehicles across the line
but fit together nicely as a whole. There are enough types of tank to really
have a mix of units, with standard, close support and tank hunter classes if the
game model you use supports such a mix. What surprised me, and is not clear on
the website, is the mix within the individual models, with there being
significant variation for the Bizon tanks especially. More on this when I review
the individual models.
Now to me this is where the whole of the Brigade Models
lines do really well, with most tanks coming in around a pound (£1) each, and
less for some. This really makes it possible to build up a large force without too
much of a hit in your pocket, or splash out and get a lot on the table at once.
Now I do not want to draw comparisons between companies as I think that most
offer something for someone but this is probably the best balance between
quality and cost I have seen around.
This is a really good line, and covers all the gaps in the 3rd edition Imperial Guard army list if you are interested in this system (guess what I play...). I hope that over the next week some detail will emerge around a number of the models, but knowing me and my ease of shiny things (read data mining software at the moment) to distract me it may take a few days longer for all to appear on here.